Weight Convertor - UniversalConvertor
Weight Convertor
Conversion Result
Conversion Formula
Scientific Notation
Reverse Conversion
Relative Scale --

Weight Measurement Facts

Origin of the Kilogram

Until 2019, the kilogram was defined by a physical object – a platinum-iridium cylinder kept in France known as the International Prototype Kilogram. Now it's defined by the Planck constant, a fundamental constant of nature.

Pounds vs Kilograms

One kilogram is equivalent to approximately 2.205 pounds. This means an object weighing 100 kg on a scale in Europe would register around 220.5 pounds on a scale in the United States.

Precious Metals

Gold and other precious metals are often measured in troy ounces, not regular ounces. One troy ounce equals about 31.1 grams, while a standard ounce equals about 28.35 grams.

Metric Ton

A metric ton (or tonne) is equal to 1,000 kilograms or about 2,204.6 pounds. It's commonly used for measuring large masses such as vehicles, shipping containers, and industrial materials.