Area Converter - UniversalConverter
Area Converter
Conversion Result
Conversion Formula
Scientific Notation
Reverse Conversion
Area Scale --

Area Measurement Facts

Acre Origin

The acre was originally defined as the area that could be plowed in one day by a yoke of oxen. It's approximately equal to 43,560 square feet or about 40% of a hectare.

Football Fields

An American football field (including end zones) is about 1.32 acres or 5,350 square meters. This common reference is often used to help visualize large areas.

Earth's Land Area

The Earth's total land area is approximately 149 million square kilometers (57.5 million square miles), which is about 29% of the planet's surface. The rest is covered by water.

Largest Countries

Russia is the largest country by area, covering over 17 million square kilometers, followed by Canada, United States, China, and Brazil. Together, these countries make up nearly 40% of Earth's land area.