Percentage Calculator - UniversalConvertor
Percentage Calculator
Formula Used
Decimal Value
Fraction (Approx.)
Visual Representation --

Percentage Facts

Origin of Percentage

The percentage sign "%" evolved from the Italian term "per cento" meaning "per hundred." It was originally written as "per 100" before being contracted to "p 100" and eventually to "%".

Business Applications

In business, percentages are used to calculate profit margins, tax rates, interest rates on loans, and discounts. A 20% profit margin means for every $100 in sales, $20 is profit.

Education and Grading

Academic performance is often measured in percentages. In many systems, 90-100% represents an A grade, 80-89% a B, 70-79% a C, and so on.

Quick Percentage Tricks

To calculate 10% of a number, simply move the decimal point one place to the left. For 20%, find 10% and double it. For 5%, find 10% and divide by 2.