Convert between different units of fuel efficiency including MPG, L/100km, km/L, and more.
While Americans measure fuel economy in Miles Per Gallon (MPG), most other countries use Liters per 100 Kilometers (L/100km). Unlike MPG, with L/100km, lower numbers indicate better fuel efficiency.
The UK and US both use MPG, but their gallon measurements differ. An Imperial gallon (UK) is about 1.2 US gallons, making UK MPG ratings approximately 20% higher than US MPG for the same vehicle.
Modern hybrid vehicles can achieve over 50 MPG (4.7 L/100km) in combined driving, while electric vehicles are rated in MPGe (Miles Per Gallon equivalent), with some exceeding 100 MPGe.
MPG and L/100km have an inverse relationship, making conversions non-linear. This means a 1 MPG improvement has a much larger impact on fuel consumption at lower MPG values than at higher ones.