Data Transfer Rate Converter - UniversalConverter
Data Transfer Rate Convertor
Conversion Result
Conversion Formula
Scientific Notation
Reverse Conversion
Transfer Rate Scale --

Data Transfer Rate Facts

Bits vs Bytes

Internet speeds are typically advertised in bits per second (bps), while file download sizes are in bytes. 1 Byte = 8 bits, so an 100 Mbps connection can download about 12.5 MB per second.

Internet Speeds

As of 2024, home broadband speeds range from 50 Mbps to 1 Gbps. 5G mobile networks can reach up to 20 Gbps, while early 4G LTE networks were around 100 Mbps.

Data Center Speeds

Modern data center network connections can reach 400 Gbps, with emerging technologies pushing towards 800 Gbps and 1.6 Tbps interconnects for high-bandwidth applications.

Download Time Estimates

A 4K movie (50 GB) would take about 1.5 hours on a 10 Mbps connection, but only 40 seconds on a 1 Gbps fiber connection, highlighting the importance of high-speed internet.